Released on 22 August, 2023
# General changes on Running code mechanism
1. Now it'll not save to block by default. If you want, you have to use Run & Save function.

# New apps for quick Machine Learning
1. GridSearch
- You can add parameters easily using this app.
2. Pipeline
- You can select pre-defined pipelines and follow its steps to finish simple machine learning flow.
3. SimpleImputer on DataPrep
- SimpleImputer function is added to DataPrep app.
# Enhanced apps
1. Package Manager
- Reloading function is added to re-load the package list by clicking reload icon.
- Search operation changed to show users suggestion.
- New sort type "Registered" added.
2. Subset & Frame
- No longer add condition line if it has no operator selected.
# Bug fix
- x,yticks label redirecting bug on Seaborn
- Duplicated group list bug on Student's t-test
- Always installing bug on FactorAnalysis
# Hotfixed yanked v2.4.6
- Pipeline issue on JupyterLab and JupyterLite
Released on 22 August, 2023
# General changes on Running code mechanism
1. Now it'll not save to block by default. If you want, you have to use Run & Save function.
# New apps for quick Machine Learning
1. GridSearch
- You can add parameters easily using this app.
2. Pipeline
- You can select pre-defined pipelines and follow its steps to finish simple machine learning flow.
3. SimpleImputer on DataPrep
- SimpleImputer function is added to DataPrep app.
# Enhanced apps
1. Package Manager
- Reloading function is added to re-load the package list by clicking reload icon.
- Search operation changed to show users suggestion.
- New sort type "Registered" added.
2. Subset & Frame
- No longer add condition line if it has no operator selected.
# Bug fix
- x,yticks label redirecting bug on Seaborn
- Duplicated group list bug on Student's t-test
- Always installing bug on FactorAnalysis
# Hotfixed yanked v2.4.6
- Pipeline issue on JupyterLab and JupyterLite