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- Updates and news Release Note Visual Python 1.1.13 Released on October 12, 2021What's New1. [App] Group by- Pandas dataframe.groupby() and followin...
- Visual Python
- 13 Oct 2021
- Views 4767
- Updates and news Release Note Visual Python 1.1.9 Released on August 30, 2021Bug Fixes & Improvements1. Bach file / Shell scriptAdded visualpy com...
- Visual Python
- 30 Aug 2021
- Views 4838
- Updates and news Release Note Visual Python 1.1.7 Released on August 23, 2021Improvements1. Option setting: Saving & RecallingEvery time any app r...
- Visual Python
- 24 Aug 2021
- Views 5010
- Updates and news Release Note Visual Python 1.1.6 Released on July 20, 2021NOTE : Upgrading to Version 1.1.6 If you already installed the previous ver...
- Visual Python
- 21 Jul 2021
- Views 4936
- Updates and news Release Note Visual Python 1.1.5 Released on June 18, 2021What's New1. Apps- Now there are apps that let you generate code direct...
- Visual Python
- 22 Jun 2021
- Views 4886