Release NoteVisual Python 1.1.6

Visual Python
Views 4936

Released on July 20, 2021

NOTE : Upgrading to Version 1.1.6 

If you already installed the previous version (before 1.1.6), visualpy upgrade command won't work because of the modification.

In the case, please uninstall and reinstall the package. If the problem still occurs, please contact for help and share the error message.


1. Layout Change

Previous versions of the Visual Python made the Jupyter Notebook screen too small, 

- so we merged Menu and Board into one section.

- Switch between menus from the tab bar.

2. Code Generating Buttons & Process Change

- Replaced 'Apply' button with 'Run' button.

- Created 'Add' button to add code to Jupyter Notebook without running.

- When press 'Run' or 'Add', blocks will automatically be added on the board.

3. Apps > Profiling

- The Pandas-Profiling library is now available as an app. 

- The Pandas-Profiling is a great tool for quick EDA ! (Visit for more information)

4. Installation Command Improvement

- Modified 'visualpy' command to allow users with multiple Python versions (2.x & 3.x) to install Visual Python. However, note that the Visual Python supports Python version 3.x only.

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